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Education Programs
Education Programs
Education Programs
FAB Friday
FAB Friday is a middle school program originally developed in partnership with 21st Century Schools and currently made possible with support from Youth Advocates of Sitka. Each semester, students from Blatchley Middle School join us at the Science Center on Friday afternoons for science adventures. In the winter/spring of 2018, we enjoyed the challenge of “Breakout Science” units. Students solved riddles, codes, and learned facts associated with science topics to open locked boxes for further clues. It’s safe to say our Sitka students were fast and accurate. During the most recent Fab Friday endeavor, we partnered with local artist Liz Zacher, for a unique experience celebrating the intersection of art and science. Students learned the steps for creating clay tiles and turned to the curious creatures of our ocean for design inspiration. The tiles were covered with a variety of materials including kelp, natural salts, crushed shells, and copper wire before being placed in a giant beach pit fire! The completed art pieces were put on display at this year’s Sitka WhaleFest.