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Education Programs
Education Programs
Education Programs
REACH Partnership
The Sitka Sound Science Center works in partnership with the REACH program to make experiential science education available for homeschool students. Once a month, the Science Center hosts homeschool students for a Scientists in the Schools lesson with one of our visiting scientists. Whether it’s delivering Coho eggs to incubation trays, designing pompom picker-uppers inspired by bird beaks, or creating spore prints using local mushrooms, kids and families get to work side by side with educators and scientists for authentic, hands-on exploring. In addition, the Science Center created a “Salmon Exploration Kit” for home-school students. Colleen Carrol, REACH coordinator will support families in using the kit and in developing additional kits. Each has a component that includes visiting the Science Center.
If you are visiting the REACH office, be sure to enjoy some “Table-top Science”. Each month, a new exploratory activity will be available.