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Education Programs
Education Programs
Education Programs
Fish Tech
SSC has a special partnership with the University of Alaska Fisheries Technology Program. The Fish Tech Program provides associate degrees and certification in aquaculture and fisheries management. SSSC provides hands-on training opportunities for students in the programs. Workshops and internships occur out of the Science Center’s Sheldon Jackson Hatchery throughout the program.
One example of the Science Center’s work with the UAS Fish Technology Program is when SSSC hosted students from around Alaska in the Fields Methods and Safety in Fish Technology course for a hands-on practicum. Students were trained in common sampling and monitoring techniques and parameters utilized by fish technicians in Southeast Alaska fisheries. The field course introduced nets, stream survey techniques, inter-tidal assessment techniques, fish counts, habitat assessment, and data collection, recording and presentation techniques. It was a great class and a fantastic group of students.
SSSC also has had a number of interns in the Sheldon Jackson Hatchery from the UAS Fish Technology Program, thereby providing them with extensive hands-on experience.
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