The Sitka Sound Science Center has been involved in Marine Debris research, cleanup, and outreach since our inception. We have been partnering with commercial fishermen, community partners, schools, and funders to remove marine debris from Alaskan coastlines since 2008. In addition to Sitka based projects from West Chichagof to South Baranof Wilderness Areas, we have worked with partners on Dall Island, Prince of Wales, Noyes, and Baker Islands, Port Alexander, Yakutat, Afognak, and Bering Sea communities.
In 2016, we are worked with locals in Bering Sea communities to restore critical habitats by the removal of marine debris. The Bering Sea crews work in the following areas: Native Village of Nikolski, Native Village of Port Heiden, St Lawrence Island, and St. George Island.
Spring, 2016, we began work with the Alaska Brewing Company’s Coastal Code program and the Sitka surf community to clean debris from areas of Kruzof Island difficult to access from vessels alone due to surf zones.