Science Bites, News, Education

Science Bites, News, Education

Science Bites, News, Education

Measuring Your Impact

February 16, 2021, by Kristina Tirman

Elizabeth Peratrovich was a Tlingit civil rights champion who was instrumental in passing the United States’ first anti-discrimination law in 1945. She is known for her moving testimony, asserting to her audience that “… asking you to give me equal rights implies that they are yours to give. Instead, I must demand that you stop trying to deny me the rights all people deserve.” Today, on Elizabeth Peratrovich day, we are reminded that our buildings are situated on Tlingit Aaní, and that we are grateful to the Tlingit people for being stewards of this land since time immemorial.

So how can one person have an influence that creates a chain reaction in the community? Download this Science Bite to learn more about Elizabeth Peratrovich, find a relevant reading list, and mathematically consider the impacts of your actions.

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