


Planned Giving

Curiosity is Calling Sustain Science with your planned giving

Invest in a legacy of critical thinking

Knowing how to ask questions is important now and will be critical to our future. Science is about the search for answers. It requires people who are courageous in their thinking and curious in their approach. Scientific exploration is essential to finding cures for diseases, helping sustain the planet, leading us to prosperity and understanding our relationship to the world.

The Sitka Sound Science Center celebrates and supports human curiosity through scientific research and science education. Our programs are designed to prepare good questioners and to support those willing to look for answers. It’s an organization that promotes exploration of the natural world through hands on experiences in the forest and at sea.  We value engaging the community in scientific thinking with a wide variety of partners and emphasize the importance of integrating other worldviews and disciplines into science. Today, this cross disciplinary community-based approach is unique among scientific institutions and it will be vital in the future.

Assure science is part of the future

It’s a changing world and these are uncertain times. But with your help, we can assure that some things – science research and education – remain.  By setting aside assets through your estate planning, you will nurture and celebrate scientific understandings for future generations. Planned giving creates a legacy by setting aside a specific dollar amount or percentage of assets to Sitka Sound Center’s Sustainable Development Endowment Fund which will be carefully and strategically used to support science education and research in years to come.

How to ignite curiosity for future generations

A will that includes the Sitka Sound Science Center (SSSC) as a charitable beneficiary includes simple bequest language to benefit SSSC. The bequest can be structured in a variety of ways. Some donors elect to leave a specific dollar amount or a percentage of their estate. Others choose to designate a particular asset such as real or personal property. After providing for friends and family, you can elect to give a portion of your remaining estate to SSSC. In this way, the donor’s specific distributions are handled first, and whatever is left sustains science education and research into the future.

Let’s begin with a conversation

You can contact us any time to discuss your ideas or to answer questions. We are here to work with you through the details of how your gift will be used and what options are available. Planning today ensures that the values of innovation, problem solving, validation and critical thinking are sustained into the future.


Arleigh Reynolds, Executive Director

Sitka Sound Science Center


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