



Be a part of our mission to increase the understanding and awareness of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems of the Gulf of Alaska through education and research.

 As a volunteer, you would play an important role in supporting the mission of the Sitka Sound Science Center by:

  •      Learning about local ecosystems and showcasing your knowledge to visitors
  •     Sharing the legacy of the Sage Building and Sheldon Jackson Hatchery
  •      Contributing to projects that go on behind the scenes at SSSC
  •     Utilizing a particular skill set to enhance our capacity and quality of our programs

The Sitka Sound Science Center was established by virtue of volunteer work.  From our active Board of Directors to numerous community members, volunteers have donated thousands of hours toward the formation and maintenance of our organization.

We love and need new volunteers! We have many odd jobs around the Science Center and would greatly appreciate your help. Working as a volunteer at the Science Center is an ideal way for people to experience what we do behind the scenes.

Whether it’s scrubbing tanks or whale bones, constructing exhibits, feeding fish, assisting with long-term monitoring, or helping with salmon egg takes in the summer, prospective volunteers will come to find there is never a dull moment. We also offer volunteer service projects for organizations looking to aid in our mission.  Are you in high school? Ask about a work experience course!

Sign up to be a volunteer

For more information, contact Lina Kapp at 907.747.8878, or aquarium@sitkascience.org.

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