Literacy, Math, & Science

Literacy, Math, & Science

Literacy, Math, & Science

Afterschool Programs


Thanks to the Thriving Communities Program made possible by the State’s Rural Alaska Community Action Program (RurAL CAP) Grant that was awarded to the Sitka Sound Science Center in August 2023 we have been able to offer an array of options to children in 3rd through 8th grade.

From Symmetries in the aquarium to Storytelling, our after-school educator Maia Carter has created wonderful interactive activities. All classes are offered free of charge and transportation from school to the Science Center is included.

There is still time to register for the upcoming sessions below just follow the links. Email Maia or call 651-491-5044 with any questions.


Fab Friday: Recycled Arts | Fridays 2:10pm-4:00pm starting Jan 10th, Open to all Middle School students
Learn how to properly dumpster dive, try your hand at wearable art, make ceramics, and build a visual art piece out of totally recycled materials. Students will meet Sitka Sound Science Center and Youth Advocates of Sitka in the Blatchley Commons afterschool for a ride to the Science Center. Pick up is at 4 pm at the Science Center. Fab Friday runs on Fridays when school is in session.
E-mail Maia Carter at”


Game Builders | Mondays 3:30pm-5:00pm starting Jan 27th, Open to all Middle School students
Think you have what it takes to create the next hit game? Play while you learn! Explore a variety of game types and build a game that will be played at one of our summer camps. Transportation from Blatchley and snacks are provided.
E-mail Maia Carter at”


Steam Team | Thursdays 2:45pm-5:00pm starting Jan 30th, Open to 4th & 5th grade students
Study the waters where you live! Learn how to collect, analyze, and present data about the streams and rivers in Sitka. Transportation to Keet and snacks are provided.
E-mail Maia Carter at”


Along with SSSC programs there is also funding within this grant for programs through Sitka School District, and City and Borough of Sitka’s Parks and Recreation.

Sitka Sound Science Center, Sitka School District and Parks and Recreation are grateful for the funds provided by the RurAL CAP grant through the State of Alaska Department of Health COVID-19 Health Equity grant.

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