Suggested Packing List
Weather will be cool to cold, and wet. Prepare for temperatures in the 40’s to mid 60s depending on the time of year. In general pack wool, Smartwool or polypro fabrics are recommended for clothing. Cotton doesn’t keep one warm when its wet, so we prefer these other materials. For the most part Sitkans don’t dress up, even for concerts or lectures, so rarely will you need a suit, or fancy shoes. It’s a casual place. Also, we have shops for outdoor gear in Sitka, a white Elephant shop and several second hand consignment shops so if you don’t have these items, the chances are good you can find them new or used in Sitka.
Personal Clothing:
- Rain gear – jacket and pants if you have. Rubber rain gear works best – better than more expensive gortex stuff sometimes.
- Boots –if you have rubber boots (Extra Tuffs or Wellies) bring them
- Sturdy shoes for walking and hiking – preferably waterproof or resistant
- Hat (baseball cap, watch cap and/or rain hat)
- Gloves or mittens
- Scarf or neck warmer
- Long underwear
- Several changes of socks
- Jacket – a warm fleece jacket, vest or thick wool sweater can make all the difference in the world
- Binoculars
- Camera
- Cell phone and charger
- Notebook/laptop/pad – something to take notes on – (laptop or paper) There is internet at the dorms but it’s spotty and slow, just FYI. Remember your power cords.
- Water bottle
- Reusable coffee/tea mug (can be handy to have and avoids one-use cups)
Umbrella – optional