Science Communication Training

Science Communication Training

Science Communication Training

Alaska Science Communication Workshop 2017

Funded by the National Science Foundation, the 2016 Alaska Science Communication Workshop brought together scientists who work in Alaska (and are funded by the National Science Foundation) to learn communication skills and how to connect with Alaskan communities. Led by a panel of scientists, a journalist and experts in rural communication, the three-day workshop was successful in exposing researchers to new communication ideas, some unique to Alaska.

ASC Agenda

Workshop participants received  hands-on training, visiting the Sitka Tribe of Alaska,  KCAW public radio station, Sitka National Historic Park, and Mt. Edgecumbe High School. Participants had dinner with community members and lunch with Mt. Edgecumbe students and presented short five-minute talks on their research to a chemistry class. The students evaluated the talks for clarity and engagement. 

2017  ASC Leaders

View Leaders


Laura Oxtoby, University of Alaska Fairbanks

Jennifer Watts, University of Montana

Michelle Mack, Northern Arizona University

Elizaveta Barrett Ristroph, University of Hawaii, Univ of Alaska

Amy Lovecraft, University of Alaska Fairbanks

Sally Anderson, Wildlife Conservation Society

Tracie Curry, University of Alaska Fairbanks

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