Science Outreach

Science Outreach

Science Outreach

Matter of Fact

Matter of Fact, a radio module playing on Sitka’s own Raven Radio, is a unique collaboration between the Science Center and the Sitka Tribe of Alaska with the goal of teaching the public more about the Tlingit language and the science of Sitka.  Matter of Fact features Sitka Native Education Program’s Chuck Miller giving listeners the English and Tlingit name for some of the the fascinating animals that live in and around Sitka, followed by the Science Center’s Chantal Cough-Schulze and Andrea Pitz telling listeners interesting facts about those animals.  Tune in to learn a little more about the science of the world around you and add to your Tlingit vocabulary!

Curious about how to say common Sitka animal names in Tlingit?  Listen below as Chuck translates the names.  Included in italics next to the Tlingit word are the phonetics of the words in the International Phonetic Alphabet.

Abalone – Gunx̱aa (kunχa:)

Baby Clams – Dzéex’w (t͡si:x’w)

Barnacle – S’ook (s’u:kʰ)

Black Cod – Ishḵeen (ɪʃqʰi:n)

Brown Bear – Xóots (xu:t͡sʰ)

Bullhead (little, that is found under beach rocks) – Té tayee tlóox̱u (tʰe tʰaji: tʰɫu:χu)

Chiton – Shaaw (ʃa:w)

Dog (Chum) Salmon – Téel’ (tʰí:ɫ’)

Clam – Gáal’ (ka:ɫ)

Clams too tiny to eat – Dzóox’ (t͡su:x’)

Cockle – Yalooleit (jaɫʰu:ɫʰe:tʰ)

Coral -Hintakx’úxi (hɪntʰakʰx’ʊxɪ)

Dungeness Crab – S’áaw (s’a:w)

Eel – Lóot’ (ɫʰu:t’)

Eulachon – Saak (sa:kʰ)

Fish Scales  – A kajeiG̱í (a kʰat͡ʃe:qi)

Flounder – Dzánti (t͡santɪ)

Giant Clam – x̱éet’ (χi:t’)

Grayling – T’ási (t’asɪ)

Halibut – Cháatl (t͡ʃʰa:t͡ɬ)

Herring – Yaaw (ja:w)

Killer Whale – Kéet (kʰi:tʰ)

King Salmon – T’á (t’a)

Limpet – Yéil ts’áaxu (je:ɫʰ  t͡s’a:xu)

Lingcod – S’áax̱’ (s’a:χ’)

Mussel – Yaak (ja:kʰ)

Needlefish – Tooḵ (tʰu:qʰ)

Octopus – Náaḵw (na:qʰᵚ)

Ratfish – G̱eey kanax̱ ḵutées’ (qi:j kʰanaχ qʰutʰí:s’)

Razor Clam – ḵ’alkátsk (q’aɫʰkʰat͡sʰkʰ)

Salmon – x̱áat (χa:tʰ)

Salmon Creek – x̱áat héeni (χa:tʰ hí:nɪ)

Sculpin – Wéix̱’ (we:χ’)

Starry Flounder – Wankashxéet (wankʰaʃxi:tʰ)

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