


Guided Tidepool Walks

June 7, 2020, by admin

The Sitka Sound Science Center is excited to bring back our summer Guided Tidepool Walks.  Join SSSC Aquarium Manager, Sandy, for a morning of fun tide pool exploration.  We will meet in front of the Mill Building, and after a brief intertidal overview, participants will head out to Sage Beach (adjacent to the Science Center) to look for the amazing animals that call the intertidal zone home. Walk will last approximately one hour.  Due to COVID-19, we are asking all participants over the age of 5 to wear a face covering, and to maintain social distancing.  Cost is $10/adults, $5/kids (ages 3-12), space is limited, and pre-registration is required.

June Dates and Times:

June 8 at 9:30am

June 9 at 10:00am

June 23 at 9:00am

June 24 at 9:30am