Science Bites, News

Science Bites, News

Science Bites, News

Help with Kelp

March 26, 2020, by admin

Lauren Bell, UCSC researcher, just ended her kelp project this week. She began with 3 different types of algae – Macrosytis pyrifera (MP) and 2 different understory kelp including Saccharina nigripes (SN)
and Agarum fimbriatum. Each blade was trimmed to 10 cm measured from the attachment to the stipe (see kelp diagram on worksheet).  They were placed in containers that were controlled for temperature and pH.

Her study is called a “factorial” study which means that algae was grown in 4 different conditions. The conditions being current temperature and future temperature along with current pH and future pH. “Current” refers to 2020 values in Sitka Sound and “Future” refers to predicted 2100 values.

Make a prediction: Do you think the algae grew more in current conditions or future conditions?

Curious to know what Lauren discovered? Download The Help with Kelp worksheet and photos below to find out for yourself! (recommended for Middle/High School Level)