News, Research, Featured

News, Research, Featured

News, Research, Featured

Intertidal Walk
Friday 8:30am

June 17, 2024, by Mara Evans

Dr. Matt Bracken of University of California, Irvine, will be leading an intertidal beach walk Friday the 21st at Sage Beach. He has been studying intertidal communities on the west coast of the U.S., from the coast of Southern California, where he’s based out of, all the way to Sitka’s beaches. 


His work involves foundation species in intertidal areas and their response to climate change. Oregon pine seaweed, rockweed, barnacles growing on mussels, and more create the very foundations of marine ecosystems, join us for this unique opportunity to learn about them from an expert! 


The beach walk will begin at 8:30am and all are welcome to join. This is a Natural History Seminar summer event hosted by SSSC in conjunction with UAS.