News, Research, Featured

News, Research, Featured

News, Research, Featured

Kéet, Humans & how we Interact

October 2, 2024, by Lisa Teas Conaway

As people of the sea our lives are intrinsically connected with the ebb and flow of the tides and all that dwells within the oceans. Over generations and eons these relationships have grown in importance and hold tremendous weight within the Lingít culture. One such relationship is between the Lingít and Kéet (Orcas). This strong relationship is well known within our region, and now has captured the attention of an anthropology student pursuing her master’s as far away as Belgum.

Anna Niechcicki has traveled thousands of miles to Sitka to look closer at relationships between the Lingít culture and Kéet and is interested in seeing if this relationship has changed in response to cultural and environmental shifts over time. We welcome Anna for the next 6 weeks here at the Science Center and invite all members of the public who might be interested in learning more about her research to reach out by stopping by, calling, or emailing with Kéet (Orca) in the subject line.