


New Education Program

August 23, 2019, by admin

The Sitka Sound Science Center in partnership with the Sitka School District is pleased to announce that it has received an Aim High Grant from New York Life to institute a new program that aims to improve math competency for middle schoolers in Sitka. The program called Science With Math (SWiM), uses high interest applications in science to strengthen foundational pre-algebra skills, develop number sense, and instill a positive attitude toward math within family and community.

Math achievement has a strong correlation to secondary school success.  Teachers, counselors, and community members report that the math transition is often the most challenging for incoming 9th graders and can affect not just GPA but also class selection, science coursework, extra-curricular activities, and eventually, career or academic choices when graduating from high school.  Creating effective interventions at the middle school level for students struggling in math can set the stage for success in the transition between 8th grade level math and 9th grade Algebra or Pre-Algebra.

SWiM will support Sitka student transition to 9th grade by using the critical 7th and 8th grade years to increase number sense and build math identity using high interest science activities as anchoring events for out-of-school math concept and skills work.  SWiM will leverage the strong science culture of the Sitka community to engage students with chronic math struggles. 

The model for SWiM, developed by the SSSC Education Department, is targeted at students of low income and low math achievement. It has in school, after school and summer components and will involve families.

The $100,000 two year grant will begin in September 2019.