Alison Stimpert

Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA

Dr. Stimpert is a Research Associate in the Oceanography department at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, CA. Her primary interests lie in the intersection of bioacoustics and conservation. To study this, she uses suction-cup acoustic tags to correlate sound production with underwater behavior of marine mammals. Currently, Dr. Stimpert is focusing on the effects of anthropogenic sound on the social behavior and foraging ecology of cetaceans in southern California, particularly Risso’s dolphins and fin whales. This is in addition to maintaining a long time research program on humpback whale acoustic behavior, which has included the waters around Hawaii, Massachusetts, Alaska, and Antarctica. Gaining an understanding of the behavioral context of whale sound production will aid our interpretation of how anthropogenic sound in the ocean may affect whale populations, and can also be used in conservation and management strategies for remote monitoring of whale behavior and movements. Dr. Stimpert was in residence mid-March – mid-April, 2013. KCAW INTERVIEW VIDEO INTRODUCTION

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