Arleigh Reynolds

Executive Director

Arleigh Reynolds received his BS, DVM, and PhD degrees from Cornell University. He has worked in private practice, the private sector, and as a faculty member at Cornell University and the University of Alaska Fairbanks. At UAF, he served as the Associate Dean of the veterinary medicine program and is a PI on the NIH Biomedical Learning and Student Training (BLaST) program which supports Alaska Native and rural Alaskan students in biomedical pathways through a One Health approach. Dr. Reynolds is currently the Director of the Center for One Health Research at UAF. His research, education, and outreach programs focus on community-based, One Health approaches to dog overpopulation, rabies control, and food safety security, and sovereignty. He also supports youth-focused community programs that build resilience against suicide and substance abuse through engagement in cultural activities such as dog mushing.

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