Courtney Hart

University of Alaska Fairbanks

Originally hailing from northern California, Courtney Hart moved to Alaska in 2018 to pursue a PhD at the College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences at University of Alaska Fairbanks. Her education includes a BA from UC Berkeley in Marine Science, a MS in Biology from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, and 7 years of professional experience with the USFS and nonprofits in fisheries habitat monitoring and restoration. Courtney’s studies have spanned broad subjects such as geology and geomorphology of tropical ecosystems to molecular processes of genes and proteins in marine shellfish. Currently, her research leverages this breadth of knowledge and draws on collaborative partnerships with commercial shellfish divers and growers, Alaska Native tribal entities, state and not-for-profit organizations to investigate the interaction between harmful algal blooms and economically or culturally important shellfish species. Courtney hopes to continue her career at the intersection of fisheries science, human dimensions, and resource management. While at SSSC, Courtney Hart shared her knowledge and vast experience working with shellfish with the Sitka community, including hosting informational sessions on harmful algal blooms and shellfish in Southeast Alaska and leading SHS students, with the Sitka Tribe of Alaska, in a clamming field excursion. February 2022

  • Courtney's activities in Sitka included;
    • The Morning Interview- Access KCAW radio interview here
    • The Library Show- KCAW literature themed radio interview
    • Natural History Seminar- "How Harmful Algal Blooms Impact Southeast Alaska’s Shellfish Industries"
    • Science After Hours “Molluscs and Mocktails” Event at SSSC
    • Met with local shellfish divers and fishermen
    • Visited SHS Field Science students in the classroom and led a hands-on field excursion

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