Julie Schram

University of Alaska Southeast

Julie Schram recently joined the University of Alaska Southeast (UAS) Natural Science department as an Assistant Professor of Animal Physiology after finishing a Postdoctoral Fellowship with the Coastal Trophic Ecology Lab at the University of Oregon. Julie has a Master of Science and PhD from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, where her studies focused on organismal responses to ocean acidification, the reduction in the seawater pH over an extended time through absorption of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Julie is a marine ecologist, interested in how environmental factors influence organismal and food web ecology and how human induced changes to coastal environments impacts the marine communities on which we depend. She is working on projects that utilize fatty acids (the building blocks of lipids) to better understand invertebrate feeding ecology by studying interactions between seaweeds and their consumers.

  • Julie's activities in Sitka included;
    • The Morning Interview– Click here to listen to Julie’s radio interview
    • Learn to Knit Sea Critters Workshop hosted by SSSC
    • Natural History Seminar "Antarctic resilience: How might Antarctic organisms and communities respond to changing environmental conditions?"- Click here to watch the Zoom recording of her presentation
    • Artistry of Algae Workshop hosted by SSSC
    • Led 1st graders on a tide pool sea creatures research study
    • Connected with community members regarding mariculture in SE Alaska

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