Ron Heintz, PhD

Senior Researcher

Ron Heintz has been conducting research in Alaska’s Marine Ecosystems since 1980. After graduating with a degree from the University of Illinois in 1979, Ron moved to southeastern Alaska, built a cabin, and started graduate school. Initially, he worked for the Northern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association collecting chum salmon broodstock. Afterwards, he began working with NOAA at the Little Port Walter research hatchery and obtained his Master’s from the University of Alaska in 1985. During his 33 year career with NOAA Ron obtained a PhD in Fisheries Science from the University of Alaska, and conducted research in all of Alaska’s large marine ecosystems in fields ranging from aquaculture, toxicology, fisheries biology to nutritional ecology.  He ended his NOAA career as the Program Manager for the Recruitment Energetics and Coastal Assessment Program at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center.  For nearly 40 years he and his wife have lived and raised a family in southeastern Alaska and are proud to call the region home. Ron enjoys hiking, walking his dogs, and working on his house.

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