



SSSC Collaborative Projects or Scientists SSSC Staff SSSC Scientist in Residency Fellow

Benthic marine invertebrate herbivores diversify their algal diets in winter

Yoshioka, R. M , Galloway, A. W. E. , Schram, J. B. , Bell L. E. , Kroeker, K. J.

Season influences interspecific responses of canopy-forming kelps to future warming and acidification at high latitude

Bell L. E. , Kroeker J. Kristy , Evan O'Brien , Haleigh Damron , Lily Westphal , Jason A. Toy
Ecosphere an esa open access journal

Association of microbial community structure with gill disease in marine-stage farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar); a yearlong study

Morag Clinton , Adam J. Wyness , Samuel A. M. Martin , Andrew S. Brierley , David E. K. Ferrier
Springer Link

Tenacious Beasts: Wildlife Recoveries That Change How We Think about Animals

Preston, C.J.
MIT Press

Consequences of delayed care during the COVID-19 pandemic: Emerging research and new lines of inquiry for human biologists and anthropologists

van Doren T.P. , Brown R.
American Journal of Human Biology

Collective action by community groups: solutions for climate change or different players in the same game?

Matthews, L.J. , Clark-Ginsberg, A. , Scobie, M. , Peters, L.E.R. , Gopinathan, U. , Mosurska, A. , Davis, K. , Myhre, S. , Hirsch, S. , Meriläineni, E. , Kelman, I.
Climate and Development

Residential Landslide Insurance in Sitka, Alaska: Market Conditions and Options for Improving Availability

Dixon, L. , Izenberg M. , Lempert, R. , Patton, A.I. , Roering, J.J.
RAND Corporation

Variable trust in public health messaging during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic in Southeast Alaska

van Doren T.P. , Brown R. , Izenberg M. , Heintz R. , Simmons C. , Paddock R.
Frontiers in Communication

Risk perception, adaptation, and resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic in Southeast Alaska Natives

van Doren T.P. , Zajdman D. , Brown R. , Gandhi P. , Heintz R. , Busch, L. , Simmons C. , Paddock R.
Social Science & Medicine

Landslide initiation thresholds in data-sparse regions: application to landslide early warning criteria in Sitka, Alaska, USA

Patton, A.I. , Mirus, B.B. , Roering, J.J. , Jacobs, A. , Korup, O. , Luna, L.V.
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences

A Community-Partnered Approach to Social Network Data Collection for a Large and Partial Network

Izenberg M. , Brown R. , Siebert C. , Heintz R. , Rahmattalabi A. , Vayanos P.
Field Methods

Biocultural perspectives of infectious diseases and demographic evolution: Tuberculosis and its comorbidities through history

van Doren T.P.
Evolutionary Anthropology

High-latitude calcified coralline algae exhibit seasonal vulnerability to acidification despite physical proximity to a non-calcified alga

Bell L. E. , Gómez J.B. , Donham M. Emily , Steller D.L. , Gabrielson P.W. , Kroeker J. Kristy
Climate Change Ecology

Contextualizing pandemics: Respiratory survivorship before, during, and after the 1918 influenza pandemic in Newfoundland

van Doren T.P. , Kelmelis S.
American Journal of Biological Anthropology

Debris flow initiation in postglacial terrain: Insights from shallow landslide initiation models and geomorphic mapping in Southeast Alaska

Patton, A.I. , Roering, J.J. , Orland E.
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms

Pandemics, past and present: The role of biological anthropology in interdisciplinary pandemic studies

Dimka J. , van Doren T.P. , Battles H.T.
American Journal of Biological Anthropology

Alternate Growth Forms Can Protect Climate-Threatened Trees from Freezing Stressors

Buma B.
Forest Science

Estimated Amounts and Rates of Carbon Mobilized by Landsliding in Old-Growth Temperate Forests of SE Alaska

Vascik B. , Booth A.M. , Buma B. , Berti M.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences

SitkaNet: A low-cost, distributed sensor network for landslide monitoring and study

Chu, M. , Patton, A.I. , Roering, J.J. , Siebert C. , Selker, J. , Walter, C. , Udell, C.

Run Uphill for a Tsunami, Downhill for a Landslide

Busch, L. , Lempert, R. , Izenberg M. , Patton, A.I.
Issues in Science and Technology

Fair Influence Maximization: a Welfare Optimization Approach

Rahmattalabi A. , Jabbari, S. , Lakkaraju, H. , Vayanos P. , Izenberg M. , Brown R. , Rice, E. , Tambe, M.
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence

Long-Term Ecological Impacts from Oil Spills: Comparison of Exxon Valdez, Hebei Spirit, and Deepwater Horizon

Barron M.G. , Vivian D.N. , Heintz R. , Yim U.H.

Growth of young-of-year sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) in response to temperature and prey quality: Insights from a life stage specific bioenergetics model

Kreiger J.R. , Beaudreau A.H. , Heintz R. , Callahan M.W.

The Bowhead Whale Balaena Mysticetus: Biology and Human Interactions

George J.C , Thewissen J.G.M

Benthic habitats of a mud volcano associated with the Queen Charlotte transform margin along northern British Columbia, Canada and Southern Alaska, United States

Vaughn Barrie J. , Greene G. , Conway K.

Ringed seal (Pusa hispida) seasonal movements, diving, and haul‐out behavior in the Beaufort, Chukchi, and Bering Seas (2011–2017)

Von Dukye A. , Douglas D.C. , Herreman J.K. , Crawford J.A.
Ecology and Evolution

A precarious future for distinctive peripheral populations of meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus)

Jackson D.J , Cook J.A.
Journal of Mammalogy

Deep learning as a tool to forecast hydrologic response for landslide‐prone hillslopes

Orland E. , Roering, J.J. , Thomas, M.A. , Mirus, B.B.
Geophysical Research Letters

Large wood inhibits debris flow runout in forested southeast Alaska

Booth A.M. , Sifford C. , Vascik B. , Siebert C. , Buma B.

Windows of vulnerability: Seasonal mismatches in exposure and resource identity determine ocean acidification’s effect on a primary consumer at high latitude

Kroeker J. Kristy , Donham M. Emily , Powell Cassandra
Global Change Biology

New views of humpback whale flow dynamics and oral morphology during prey engulfment

Werth A.J. , Kosma M. , Chenoweth E. , Straley J.M
Marine Mammal Science

Pectoral herding: an innovative tactic for humpback whale foraging

Kosma M. , Werth A.J. , Szabo A. , Straley J.M
Royal Society Open Science

Slope failure and mass transport processes along the Queen Charlotte Fault Zone, western British Columbia

Greene G. , East A.E. , Brothers D.S , Vaughn Barrie J. , Conrad J.E. , Maier K.L. , Conway K. , Rohr K.M. , Walton M.A.L. , Enkin R. , Nishenko S.P.
Geological Society of London Publications

Living on the edge: Exploring the role of coastal refugia in the Alexander Archipelago of Alaska

Sawyer Y.E. , MacDonald S.O. , Lessa E.P. , Cook J.A.
Ecology and Evolution

Niche differentiation among small mammals of the Alexander Archipelago in southeastern Alaska

O’Brien S.L. , Cook J.A. , Newsome S.D.
Journal of Mammalogy

Monitoring pinto abalone populations and recruitment in Sitka Sound, Alaska

Bell L. E. , White T. , Donnellan M. , Hebert K. , Raimondi P.
Impacts of a Changing Environment on the Dynamics of High-latitude Fish and Fisheries

Whole-genome analysis of Mustela erminea finds that pulsed hybridization impacts evolution at high latitudes

Colella J.P. , Tianying Lan , Schuster S.C. , Talbot S.L. , Cook J.A. , Charlotte Lindqvist
Communications Biology

Historical biogeography sets the foundation for contemporary conservation of martens (genus Martes) in northwestern North America

Dawson N.G. , Colella J.P. , Small M.P. , Stone K.D. , Talbot S.L. , Cook J.A.
Journal of Mammalogy

A modern approach to superradiance

Endlich S. , Penco R.
J. High Energy Phys(05-052), 1-32

Inflation in Flatland

Hinterbichler K. , Joyce A. , Khoury J.
J. High Energy Phys(05-052), 1-32

Genetic diversity in the worldwide Botrychium lunaria (Ophioglossaceae) complex, with new species and new combinations

Stensvold M.C. , Farrar D.R.
Brittonia 69(2), 148-175

Revision of widespread red squirrels (genus: Tamiasciurus) highlights the complexity of 4 speciation within North American forests

Hope A.G , Malaney J.L , Bell K.C. , Salazar-Miralles F. , Chavez A.S , Barbere B.R , Cook J.A.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution

Phylogeographic structure in long-tailed voles (Rodentia: Arvicolinae) belies the complex Pleistocene history of isolation, divergence and recolonization of Northwest North America’s fauna

Sawyer Y.E. , Cook J.A.
Ecology and Evolution

First Record of the Holarctic Least Shrew (Sorex minutissimus) and Associated Helminths from Canada: New Light on Northern Pleistocene Refugia

Cook J.A. , B.S. McLean , D.J. Jackson , Dunnum J.L , Greiman S.E. , Jung T.S. , Tkach V.V.
Canadian Journal of Zoology

The influence of terrestrial matter in marine food webs of the Beaufort Sea shelf and slope

Bell L. E. , Bluhm B.B. , Iken K.
Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 550, 1-24

Effective field theory approach to tidal dynamics of spinning astrophysical systems

Endlich S. , Penco R.
Phys. Rev. D(6-93), 1-6

A No-go for partially massless spin-2 Yang-Mills

Garcia-Saenze S. , Hinterbichler K. , Joyce A. , Mitsou E. , Rosen R.A.
J. High Energy Phys(02-043), 1-11

Double Screening

Gratia P. , Hu W. , Joyce A. , Ribeiro H.R.
J. High Energy Phys(06-033), 1-26

Manifest duality for partially massless higher spins

Hinterbichler K. , Joyce A.
J. High Energy Phys. 9, 141

Revision of widespread red squirrels (genus:Tamiasciurus) highlights the complexity of speciation within North American forests

McGowan J. , Beger M. , Lewison R.L. , Harcourt R. , Campbell H. , Priest M. , Dwyer R.G. , Lin H.Y. , Lentini P. , Dudgeon C. , McMahon C.
Mol. Phylogenet. Evol. 100, 170-182

Joint resonant CMB power spectrum and bispectrum estimation

Meerburg P.D. , Münchmeyer M. , Wandelt B.
Phys. Rev. D(4-93), 1-17

Baleen hydrodynamics and morphology of cross-flow filtration in balaenid whale suspension feeding

Werth A.J. , Potvin J.
PLoS One. 11(2). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0150106

Baleen wear reveals intraoral water flow patterns of mysticete filter feeding

Werth A.J. , Straley J.M , Shadwick R.E.
J. Morphol. 277(4), 453-471. doi:10.1002/jmor.20510

Anthropogenic climate change in marine and environmental science programs in the United States

Vlietstra L. , Mrakovcich K.L. , Futch V.C. , Stutzman B.S.
J. Coll. Sci. Teach. 45(5)

Using line acceleration to measure false killer whale (Pseudorca crassidens) click and whistle source levels during pelagic longline depredation

Thode A.M. , Wild L.A. , Straley J.M , Barnes D. , Bayless A. , O’Connell V. , Oleson E. , Sarkar J. , Falvey D. , Behnken L. , Martin S.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 140(5), 3941-3951

Genetic distinctiveness of Alexander Archipelago wolves (Canis lupus ligoni)

Weckworth B. , Dawson N.G. , Cook J.A.
Journal of Heredity

Testing a passive deterrent on longlines to reduce sperm whale depredation in the Gulf of Alaska

O’Connell V. , Straley J.M , Liddle J.B. , Wild L.A. , Behnken L. , Falvey D. , Thode A.M.
ICES J. Mar. Sci. 72(5), 1667-1672. doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsv014

Warming and elevated CO2 interact to drive rapid shifts in marine primary productivity

Sorte C.J.B , Bracken M.E.S.
PLoS ONE. 10(12). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0145191

Southeast Alaska Sperm Whale Avoidance Project (SEASWAP): a successful collaboration among scientists and industry to study depredation in Alaskan waters

Straley J.M , O’Connell V. , Liddle J.B. , Thode A.M. , Wild L.A. , Behnken L. , Falvey D. , Lunsford C.R.
ICES J. Mar. Sci. 72(5), 1598-1609. doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsv090

Cues, creaks, and decoys: using passive acoustic monitoring as a tool for studying sperm whale depredation

Thode A.M. , Straley J.M , O’Connell V. , Behnken L. , Falvey D. , Mathias D.K. , Wild L.A. , Calambokidis J. , Schorr G.S. , Andrews R.D. , Liddle J.B. , Lunsford C.R.
ICES J. Mar. Sci. 72(5), 1621-1637. doi: 10.1093/icesjms/fsv024

Kelp, Climate, and More in Sitka Sound

Vlietstra L. , Bell L. E. , Condon J.
U.S. Coast Guard Acad. Alum. Ass. Bull. 84, 44-47

Natural history collections as emerging resources for innovative education

Cook J.A. , Edwards S.V , Lacey E. , Guralnick R.P. , Soltis P.S. , Soltis D.E. , Welch C.K. , Bell K.C. , Galbreath K.E. , Himes C. , Allen J.M. , Heath T.A. , Carnaval A.C. , Cooper K.L. , Liu M. , Hanken J. , Ickert-Bond S.
BioScience. 64 (8), 725-734. doi:10.1093/biosci/biu096

Using models of social transmission to examine the spread of depredation behavior among sperm whales in the Gulf of Alaska

Schakner Z.A. , Lunsford C.R. , Straley J.M , Eguchi T. , Mesnick S.L
Plos One. 9(10), 109079-109084

Depredating sperm whales in the Gulf of Alaska: local habitat use and long distance movements across putative population boundaries

Straley J.M , Schorr G.S. , Thode A.M. , Calambokidis J. , Lunsford C.R. , Chenoweth E. , O’Connell V. , Andrews R.D.
End. Sp. Res. 24, 125-135

A comparison of acoustic and visual metrics of sperm whale longline depredation

Thode A.M. , Wild L.A. , Mathias D.K. , Straley J.M , Lunsford C.R.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 135(5), 3086-3100

Genetic perspectives on Arctic biodiversity. In: Arctic biodiversity assessment

Cook J.A. , Brochmann C. , Fedorov V. , Taylor E.B. , Väinölä R. , Hoberg E.P. , Kholodova M. , Magnusson K.P.
Conservation of Arctic fauna and flora committee, Copenhagen. Pp. 459-483

Acoustic tracking of sperm whales in the Gulf of Alaska using a two-element vertical array and tags

Mathias D.K. , Thode A.M. , Straley J.M , Andrews R.D.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 134(3), 2446-2461

Acoustic and diving behavior of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) during natural and depredation foraging in the Gulf of Alaska

Mathias D.K. , Thode A.M. , Straley J.M , Calambokidis J. , Schorr G.S. , Folkert K.
Acoust. Soc. Am. 132(1), 518-532

Examining the biosonar process involved with depredation of black cod by sperm whales in the Alaskan long line fishery

Au W.L. , Thode A.M. , Folkert K. , Straley J.M
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 129, 2398

Discovery and significance of the colonial tunicate Didemnum vexillum in Alaska

Cohen C.S. , McCann L. , Davis T. , Ruiz G.
Aquat. Invas. 6(3), 263–271

Measurements of resistance and reactance in fish with the use of bioelectrical impedance analysis: sources of error

Cox M.K. , Heintz R. , Hartman K.J.
Fish. Bull. 109, 34-47

Sperm whale population structure in the eastern and central North Pacific inferred by the use of single-nucleotide polymorphisms, microsatellites and mitochondrial DNA

Mesnick S.L , Taylor B.L. , Archer F.I. , Martien K.K. , Trevino S.E. , Hancock-Hanser B.L. , Moreno Medina, S.C. , Pease V.L. , Robertson K.M. , Straley J.M , Baird R.W. , Calambokidis J. , Schorr G.S. , Wade P. , Burkanov V. , Lunsford C.R. , Rendell L. , Morin P.A.
Mol. Ecol. Resources. 11, 278-298

Using movements, genetics and trophic ecology to differentiate inshore from offshore aggregations of humpback whales in the Gulf of Alaska

Witteveen B.H. , Straley J.M , Chenoweth E. , Baker C.S. , Barlow J. , Matkin C. , Gabriele C.M. , Neilson J. , Steel D. , von Ziegesar O. , Andrews A.G.
End. Sp. Res. 14, 217–225

Tracking sperm whales with a towed acoustic vector sensor

Thode A.M. , Skinner J.S. , Scott P. , Roswell J. , Straley J.M , Folkert K.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 128(5), 2681-2694

Electrical phase angle as a new method to measure fish condition

Cox K.W. , Heintz R.
Fish. Bull. 107, 477-487

Seasonal growth and energy dynamics of forage fish in nearshore habitats of Prince William Sound, Alaska

Heintz R. , Cox M.K.
NOAA fisheries, Juneau

Relationship between sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) click structure and size derived from videocamera images of a depredating whale (sperm whale prey acquisition)

Mathias D.K. , Thode A.M. , Straley J.M , Folkert K.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 125(5), 3444-3453

Refinement and testing of a brooke trout bioenergetics model

Hartman K.J. , Cox M.K.
T. Am. Fish. Soc. 137, 357-363

Observations of potential acoustic cues that attract sperm whales to longline fishing in the Gulf of Alaska

Thode A.M. , Straley J.M , Tiemann C. , Folkert K. , O’Connell V.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 122(2), 1265-1277

A note on sperm whales and longline fishery off Southeast Alaska: exploring connections between interaction and acoustic observations.

Teloni V. , Thode A.M. , Straley J.M
PhD Thesis. April, 2006. 18pp.

Three-dimensional localization of sperm whales using a single hydrophone

Tiemann C. , Thode A.M. , Straley J.M , Folkert K. , O’Connell V.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 120(4), 2355-2365.

Three-dimensional passive acoustic tracking of sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) in ray-refracting environments

Thode A.M.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 118, 3575-3584

Tracking sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) dive profiles using a towed passive acoustic array

Thode A.M.
J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 116(1), 245-253

Consumption and Assimilation of Salmon Net Pen Fouling Debris by the Red Sea Cucumber Parastichopus californicus: Implications for Polyculture

Ahlgren, M.O.
Journal of the World Aquaculture Society

Stable carbon isotope ratio variations in marine macrophytes along intertidal gradients

Cooper L.W. , McRoy C.P.

Anatomical adaptations to rocky substrates and surf exposure by the seagrass genus Phyllospadix

Cooper L.W. , McRoy C.P.
Aquatic Botany

Local movements, habitat use, and long distance migrations across stock boundaries by satellite tagged sperm whales in the North Pacific

Straley J.M , Andrews R.D. , Schorr G.S. , Thode A.M. , Calambokidis J. , Lunsford C.R. , Chenoweth E. , O’Connell V.

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