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News, Events

Rock Walk through Science!

September 8, 2023, by Lisa Teas Conaway

Join Adi Amore one of our fabulous Science Guides on a walk along Sage beach for a close look at geology.

Geology; the science of earth! Our planet is made up of different layers and compositions of magma, rock, and soil; much of which we cannot see from the surface of the earth’s crust. But the rocks that lie on the earth’s surface can tell us so much about the history of our world.

Adi will guide our rock walk along the beach while talking about the geological events and conditions that have shaped the rocks and landscapes around us. From Glaciers grinding down bedrock, erupting volcanoes, and intense pressures forming conglomerates, there is so much to be discovered!

Rocks come in a variety of sizes, shapes, and colors; all of which give us clues to where and how they were formed and what they have experienced throughout time. Join us to learn more about the rocks below your feet.


Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday September 11th through the 20th at 10:00am

Or Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday September 25th through the 27 at 2:00pm

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