Science Bites, News, Education

Science Bites, News, Education

Science Bites, News, Education

Round and Round the Round Ponds

April 9, 2020, by Kristina Tirman

While most of us are busy learning and working from home, our hatchery staff are busy rearing and raising our pink, chum and coho fry! Brian, Haley, and Bill sample fish weekly to get an average weight so they can track fish growth and figure out how much to feed so they can be ready for release this spring. We estimate that there are about 112,000 coho fry from Brood Year 2018 (meaning the eggs were taken and hatched in 2018).  These baby fry are currently split between four round ponds with 28,000 coho fry in each. Brian and Haley were asked by their fearless leader, Bill, to split these fish into nine round ponds to give our remaining fry more room to grow and be healthier overall – social distancing for fish you might say?

Can you help our hatchery crew figure out how many fish should be in each of the nine round ponds? (Hint: all round ponds should have the same number of fish) See the attached worksheets for help answering this question and for more questions related to this topic. (activity recommended for Upper Elementary/Middle/High School Level)