


Sampling Pink and Chum Salmon

March 29, 2021, by admin

Curious about how our pinks and chums are doing? They are growing like crazy! Every week, the hatchery crew takes a sample of about 300-400 fish from each of the pens, weighs the samples, and does some math to figure out how much they weigh now and how much they’ve grown. The goal is to get them to weight about 2 grams before we release them out into the ocean.  

The sampling technique is really quite simple. Once we get the 300-400 fish from the pen, we take a sample of about 100 from that, weigh it, and then count how many fish were in that sample.  

Right now, our Pink salmon weighed in at about 0.45 grams, one of our groups of chum weighed in at 0.61 grams, and the second group of chum weighed in at 0.51 grams. These numbers seem small, but they  grow faster each week!