


Sitka Needs You! Participate in the Landslide Resilience Network Survey

September 8, 2020, by admin

As you know, the Sitka Sound Science Center is working with a number of partners on the development of a landslide warning system. We are improving our landslide data, however the data is only truly useful if it is relevant, interpretable, acceptable, actionable, and timely for all Sitka residents.

By participating in this survey, you will be contributing to the important process of building a social network in order to ensure Sitkans are adequately prepared to respond to data about landslides by identifying community members who may need extra support in receiving, interpreting, and reacting to landslide information and warnings.

If you are able, please take 10 minutes to participate in making our community more resilient to landslides, and possibly even win a sea mart gift card! A drawing for a $50 gift card to Lakeside or SeaMart will be help per 100 participants, or a $100 gift card per 200 participants.

Please reach out to for questions about the survey, or for information on the landslide warning system.