News, Education

News, Education

News, Education

Sprouts To-Go Club

October 23, 2020, by admin

It’s that time of year when Tuesday mornings at the Science Center are usually bustling with 3-5 year olds exploring and experimenting during the Sprouts program – a science education program for preschool age kids and families. Instead of holding in-person Sprouts, we will be kicking-off the fall season with a brand new “Sprouts To-Go Club”! Similar to the in-person Sprouts program, each week will center around a different theme ranging from examining leaves to exploring the salmon life cycle to building boats while learning about ocean currents. Families who are a part of the club can pick up kits every Tuesday from the Science Center and set up a mini Sprouts program at home, outside, or wherever you’d like! Kits will include all of the materials and instructions needed to complete 1-2 science and art activities related to the weekly theme. We will certainly miss hosting Sprouts at the Science Center, but we are excited to dive into a new way of engaging our small scientists!To learn more about the Sprouts To-Go Club or to register your small scientist, contact Kristina Tirman at