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SSSC Welcomes Next Chapter with Next Executive Director

December 5, 2023, by Lisa Teas Conaway

Sitka Sound Science Center announces a leadership transition as Lisa Busch, the current Executive Director steps down from her role. Ms. Busch has been with the organization for 14 years, helping to establish community-based research projects such as the work that is currently being conducted on landslide warning systems, a plethora of science educational programs, and finding new ways to engage the public in scientific thinking. We are grateful to Lisa for the work she has contributed to growing our nonprofit and establishing it as a regional research and educational institution. She plans to remain in Sitka and continue working in the nonprofit arena.

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Arleigh Reynolds, DVM, PhD will be succeeding Ms. Busch as the new Executive Director for Sitka Sound Science Center beginning April 15th. Dr. Reynolds, who was the founder of the University of Alaska Fairbanks Veterinary program and the Center for One Health Research, brings considerable experience to this position.

The SSSC board and staff have planned the leadership transition to ensure a seamless handover of responsibilities. We are grateful to our members and community partners for expressing confidence in the new leadership. Dr. Reynolds was the interim ED for Sitka Sound Science Center last year when Busch was away on sabbatical. “The Board heard a lot of positive comments from staff and community members about Arleigh’s expertise, his leadership style, and his understanding of rural communities,” said Rob Allen, SSSC chairman of the board.

Dr. Reynolds brings a wealth of experience and a proven fundraising and program building track record.

Arleigh Reynolds received his Bachelor of Science in Biology, Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, and PhD from Cornell University. Dr. Reynolds became board certified in clinical nutrition in 1996. He has worked in private practice, in the private sector as a research scientist for Nestle Purina, and as a faculty member at Cornell University and the University of Alaska at Fairbanks (UAF). He oversaw the construction and operation of the veterinary medicine program at UAF where he served as the Associate Dean for four years. He is a Principal Investigator on the $39 million NIH Biomedical Learning and Student Training (BLaST) program at UAF which engages and supports Alaska Native and rural Alaskan students into biomedical pathways through a One Health approach that makes such work relevant to their life experiences. Dr. Reynolds is currently the Director of the Center for One Health Research at UAF. His research has focused on studying sled dogs as sentinel models for people in rural Alaska and developing resilience in young people through cultural activities. His dogs have been involved in the Fur Rondy which SSSC Education Director, Janet Clarke officiates. In his role at UAF he has worked closely with the Sitka community for the past ten years. Arleigh and his wife Donna are excited to join the Sitka community.
For question please contact: Rob Allen 907 738 3212