News, Education, Featured

News, Education, Featured

News, Education, Featured

Summer camps are in full swing, and there’s still room to register!

June 11, 2024, by Mara Evans

Our very first camp, Space Travelers, drew to a close last week. Every camper had a blast throughout a busy schedule that incorporated different areas of STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, mathematics). Activities included designing and testing spacesuits with materials that protect against UV exposure, learning about extremophiles– creatures that can survive in extreme environments such as space, like lichens and water bears– and “astronaut training” at the nearby playground.

Coming up next is Feathered Fliers, where campers will explore the lives and behaviors of birds. Curiosity will be satisfied on topics like migration, anatomy, and life cycle through experiments with eggs, tests on handmade wings, and countless other activities. Dr. Alexis Will, a seabird scientist originally from Sitka, will be visiting to share her expertise and experiences in the field.

This year’s SSSC camps all follow the theme of “journeys.” Whether it’s voyaging through space, migrating bird populations, or adventures on the ocean, campers are sure to enjoy their travels. Next week’s Feathered Fliers camp still has limited openings, as well as the Revolution and Ocean Adventure camps. Octopus, Compass, Salmon, and Humpback level Science Center members receive a 25% discount on the enrollment cost.

Register your explorers today!