Summer Interpreter Applications Available Now!
The Sitka Sound Science Center is currently accepting applications for Summer Interpreters that will help us welcome and educate visitors during our busy summer season!
With the large influx of visitors, additional staff is required to seize this opportunity to fulfill our mission of increasing the understanding and awareness of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems of Alaska through the Molly O. Ahlgren Aquarium and Sheldon Jackson Hatchery. Summer staff are invaluable additions to the SSSC team; working to build on Sitka’s legacy and potential as an education and scientific community.
Summer interpreters will gain valuable experience in routine aquarium and facility maintenance and aiding in operations related to the research and education mission of the SSSC. Regular duties will include: leading aquarium and hatchery tours, answering visitor’s questions, managing the entrance desk, and assisting with facility maintenance (feeding fish, cleaning classrooms, aquariums, etc.). Occasionally summer interpreters will likely be involved in collecting specimens, web updates, citizen science data collection, summer camp assistance, and specific individual projects to be assigned based on individual scientific interest!
For more information about how to apply, download the Summer Interpreter Position application instructions: