Explore the Ocean
Touch the critters of the tidal pools, get a fish eye view in our Salmon Bubble, check out some amazing whale bones, and learn all about the animals that live in the ocean surrounding Sitka.
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Touch Tanks
The undersea life is literally at your fingertips. Run a finger over a pointy urchin, stroke the smooth sides of an anemone, and admire the foot-long starfish that live within the touch tanks.

60 Feet Deep
An 800-gallon saltwater tank contains some of the fish and invertebrates found 60 feet below the surface of the ocean. Get eye to eye with deep-dwelling rockfish, sculpins, our resident wolf eel, Wanda, and many others—no scuba gear needed!

Mounted Aquariums
Six mounted aquatic habitats showcase mini-versions of many of the ecosystems important to marine life in Southeast Alaska.

Killer Whale Skeleton
The skeleton of an adolescent killer whale is suspended in our aquarium. The body of the whale was discovered in 2011 on Kruzof Island near Sitka.Watch a video of the rearticulation of the skeleton and experience it in 3D before coming and seeing for yourself!

Salmon Bubble
Get a a salmon’s eye view from our latest interactive exhibit. Crawl underneath and pop your head into the underwater world of a juvenile salmon.

Digital Interactive
Try your hand at reassembling Kruzof the killer whale with our interactive whale bone puzzle. Then explore the birds, invertebrates, fish and mammals of our coastal ecosystem in the digital wildlife gallery. And go back in time to discover the history of the Sitka Sound Science Center.

“There is a magic indwelt in nature, the mystery of life and passion, the drive to embrace each moment and not let a second pass un-experienced.”
– Molly O. Ahlgren
Sharing the Magic
Our aquarium is dedicated to the late Molly O. Ahlgren, a Sheldon Jackson College professor whose enthusiasm and love of learning reached far out of the classroom. Molly was not only the creator of the aquarium but also a driving force for science education throughout Southeast Alaska. She believed that the best type of learning was hands-on learning and had her grad students build the touchtanks you’ll find in our aquarium today. She wanted to bring the magic up out of the sea for people to touch and learn about.

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Science Center members will enjoy a variety of benefits including aquarium admission for members and guests, access to special events, valuable discounts at our retail store and on summer camp programs, insider information, and Science Center memorabilia. Science Center memberships are great gifts to give to family and friends!
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