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Our Mission

The Sitka Sound Science Center is dedicated to increasing understanding and awareness of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems of Alaska through education and research.

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Featured Research Programs

Kutí Southeast Alaska Regional Landslide Research

Designed to develop natural hazard monitoring and warning systems in collaboration with Tribal entities in six additional communities across Southeast Alaska.

Monitoring Changing Phenology of Alaska Berries

As our climate transforms, changes in berry production can potentially disrupt ecological functions, as well as cultural practices.

Hatchery Wild Chum Interaction

Addressing concerns about escapement assessment and genetic and ecological interactions between hatchery and wild stocks.

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Discover Membership Benefits

Science Center memberships are great gifts to give to family and friends!

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Featured Education Programs

Scientists in the Schools

Bringing scientist and students together in the classrooms and on the fields.

Summer Camps

Fun and adventurous experiences learning scientific skills. Students will explore and learn about journeys in 2024.

Afterschool Programs

Increasing Literacy and Math skills within a scientific perspective.

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Featured Research Programs

Climate Change and Ecosystem Impacts

A team of researchers are simulating conditions that might be found in the ocean in the year 2100.

Landslide Research

Expert and volunteers study the risk of natural disasters in the region and share relevant information with the community.

Queen Charlotte-Fairweather Fault

An international team of scientists are probing the depths of the northeast Pacific to better understand hazards associated with the Queen Charlotte Fault.

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Gift Shop

Stop by our gift shop for all your marine themed gift needs, located in the Mill building next door to the Aquarium. Or shop online anytime.

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